The EU on YouTube: not shy about sex

July 3, 2007

News:  Just a day after I reported about the EU’s channel on YouTube, there’s news about one of its videos promoting European films.  The video strings together several scenes of people having sex from different European films.  There’s no nudity and the clips go by very fast, but it’s still probably PG-13 material in the U.S.  No one would ever accuse Europeans of being prudes about sex, but it’s hard to believe the European Commission is responsible for the ad!

If you want to see the ad, it’s on YouTube here.  [Probably PG-13 material, viewer discretion advised]

Video pop-up ads hit YouTube

July 3, 2007

News: From the start, YouTube has kept ads to a minimum within videos. No pre-roll ads. But I just noticed an internal ad that pops up for a few seconds within one of LisaNova’s video. You can see it in the photo, too. This is the only pop-up ad I’ve seen so far, but I will try to do some more investigating.  The pop-up doesn’t show from embedded videos on other sites; it only shows if you are on YouTube’s website.



Who is Terra Naomi sleeping with?

July 3, 2007

This video is hilarious, especially the ending.