Video of the Minnesota bridge collapse on YouTube

News: The Minnesota Department of Transportation just released video of the collapse of the bridge as it happened. You can see it on the NYT blog and on YouTube. At least 4 deaths have been reported, with many more people still missing (from NPR).

UPDATE:  here’s video of the bridge after the collapse.

4 Responses to Video of the Minnesota bridge collapse on YouTube

  1. Hi, I live in Ireland. I have some family in Minnesota. I am so sorry for what happened to you people. It is always the ordinary people who suffer in these tragedies

  2. […] Video of the Minnesota bridge collapse on YouTube News: The Minnesota Department of Transportation just released video of the collapse of the bridge as it happened. You […] […]

  3. rightwayshopping says:

    I live in Minneapolis and have driven over the bridge many times. It’s terrible what has happened and my heart goes out to the victims and theri families.

  4. juan motie says:

    you will find out that the major cause of the collapse is mag chloride. this substance used for such a great deicer, especiailly on bridges causes and least a 10 fold magnitude in metal corrosion. Interesting that minn/ St. Pual is a very cold climate.
    Chemists ,check it out for yourself.

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