Esmee Denters explains herself

I’ve already blogged once about Esmee Denters, the 18-year-old singer from the Netherlands with an amazing, soulful voice. Here’s an endearing video of Esmee explaining a little bit about herself. She seems very sweet — she wants to go into social work to help people and, though feeling awkward about talking about herself on video, made this video to respond to her fan emails. One thing I want to know: Do people really say “ya’ll” in the Netherlands?

Related post

For all of The Utube Blog’s articles about Esmee Denters, visit here

116 Responses to Esmee Denters explains herself

  1. ddui says:

    I guess that in the Netherlands those who learn english from Mary J. Blige do say “ya’ll”. LOL!

  2. KayBe says:

    Yeah her english sounds so native, it is hard to believe she is from the Netherlands.

  3. Katy says:

    Wow! Esmee America is Waiting for your Album!!! Keep up the good work!!

  4. EYE4Dance says:

    Hoi Esmee,

    Je hebt een goede stem! TOP. Doe je goed!
    Mocht je interesse hebben in een carriere in de muziekindustrie?
    Misschien kunnen wij je op weg helpen?


    EYE4Dance TEAM

  5. Sonja says:

    Yeah, she does not sound like she is from the Netherlands. She sounds like she is from New York, with a little bit of Texas thrown in. Strange. Probably another lonelygirl15.

  6. wendy says:

    If you listen carefully you can hear her Dutch coming through but yeah her accent is american

  7. Hester says:

    Hi, as someone coming from the Netherlands I can tell you that it’s kinda like ddui says. We learn to speak English at school, but we’re also influenced by the tvshows and music that’s coming from you guys (the US I mean). So we just talk and sing like we hear American actors and singers talk and sing. It’s as simple as that. And very annoying to, because it means that words like ‘ya’ll’ and ‘it’s like’ and ‘you know’ and ‘o my god’ are also imitated. Well, you know, it’s like, it just happens. Anyway, check ya’ll later! 🙂

    Greetings from a proud dutchie (Esmee rocks!)

  8. Melli says:


    Esmee, radio 3fm is looking for you! Can you call them?


  9. riki says:

    hey esmee! u r so talented i hope u make it big!

  10. Laura says:

    je hebt echt een goeie stem!
    heb je denk ik al 1000 keer gehoord.

  11. Laura says:

    Je was laatst ook op SBS6,
    je kan echt heel goed zingen.

    Ik heb al je filpmjes al bekeken en die van
    John Legend – Ordinary People vind ik het mooist.
    Dat zelf gemaakte liedje is ook leuk! =)

    (ik zing wel is mee met je video’s, maar mijn stem is
    niet zo goed als de jouwe! )


    En je hebt helemaal geen accent vind ik dan.

    Kiss Laura.

  12. Cherrique says:

    She’s amazing! I saw her on the Dutch television and she sounded great!
    A lot of Dutch people have this weird accent when they talk English, but she is great :D..

    She makes me proud of my country =)

    En Esmee, we horen vast nog wel wat van jou !!


  13. stacey says:

    dude isnt the netherlands from the movie peter pan? and she should join american idol.

  14. Ella says:

    I have to explain to you all, she does NOT have an American accent. Americans are not the first people to talk in that way and many many Dutch people sound just like her. I would know, I have been raised by my mothers family, who are all from Amsterdam.

  15. MrWigan says:

    Way to go Esmee, love your voice.
    Hope to hear some more of your own work in the future.

    Hahahaha, Stacey, The Netherlands a.k.a Holland is not to be confused with Neverland from Peter Pan. Also I don’t think it’s possible for a Dutch person to become an American Idol. Pay some more attention during your geography lessons, or check google earth….

  16. jacqueline says:

    1. i am dutch and i say ya’ll …..
    plus when she said esmee she really sounded dutch and when she was laughting she sounded dutch too.

  17. American in NL says:

    Hi Everyone,

    For all those who doubt her Dutchness…
    Esmee Denters was on Radio 3FM in the Netherlands last night.
    Yes she spoke Dutch and yes she sung live on request in the studio.

    I am an American living in the Netherlands and there are quite a number of people who speak English with an Americanish accent from TV and chatting to Americans etc.

    Goed gedaan meid!!!
    Go Esmee wishing you all the best!
    You go to the same school as me too! 🙂


  18. Geertje says:

    Hé Esmee,

    Long time no see!
    Naar we horen gaat het goed met je. Prachtig gezongen, maar dat kon je als kleintje al!!
    Veel liefs,
    Je oude nanny.

  19. kriiiza says:

    heyy esmee u hav a greatt voicee.. im from in another country.. i hope ill get to see you in europe some time. You should seriously go for it and become something big… u know that there are thousands of people that support you!!!!!



  20. Fan says:


    Your father is an english teacher. That explain everything. But anyway your voice is beautiful. I like your voice and you are also a good looking lady too. I hope to see you soon on tv again but with your own song. U are a R&B singer and we will hear a lot of u. Also in the States…..

  21. limelife says:

    Look, even I hear she’s from Holland (that is, the Netherlands, for all you pompous-fat-fried-chicken-ears-eggheads in HAmerica) 😀 and I’m from Belgium!..Which probably most of you think is a village next to Paris. Then again, most Flemish speaking Belgians (makes it more complicated huh? What bothers :D) who at least went to undergraduate school are at least fluent listeners := of Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish. That’s five languages, that is! SO, if you like sights, diversity, culture and like for the people to even understand what you are saying, visit Belgium!

    Anywho.. was a li’l off there..

    my point is 😀 the accent (which most of you don’t even notice) doesn’t matter, the way she sings does. I only know of her mere existence for about an hour and I already have a crush..

    So ya’ll in America should give her a waybill to the States or prepare for the next Dutch invasion ;D

    all my love and all my kisses to you, Esmee
    en nog één ding, meid, alsjeblieft: moest je’t maken in de wijde wereld, wees geen slet zoals Paris Hilton of an overdue Madonna die niet weet te stoppen op het hoogtepunt van haar carrière, maar blijf jezelf – ook al bereik je er maar één iemand mee in gans je leven.. herrinner je nog die leraar, wiens naam je vergeten zal maar wiens lessen je altijd bij zullen blijven.. muziek doet dat met mensen, maar dan duizend maal meer..

    de reden w’rom ik op je gevallen ben is niet voor je looks (maar die mogen er wel zijn), maar omdat ik met m’n ogen toe naar je aan het luisteren ben, en ik aan het genieten ben.. moet je mij ‘ns anders uitleggen waarom de Beatles zo’n succes hebben – ok, toen waren ze misschien hot – maar waarom spreken ze nu dan nog zoveel mensen aan? precies, omwille van de muziek, zusje!

  22. yeah she is from the netherlands. but what you american people may not know is that we get english lessons at our school. Videoclips from america are in the dutch charts too. It’s so weird that you people think the netherlands lives in communism and all that crap. were just a small country who live our lifes the same as yours.

    well, I i’m totally in love with Esmee’s talent and i think she will hit the charts internationaly one day.

    A Dutch Boy

  23. Hannah J says:

    Girl! You are really talented.
    Good luck in the future. Keep smiling! hehe…
    Take care babe xxx

  24. Cyrielle says:

    Haha I’m a girl from Holland.. watched some vid’s her on youtube and I think she’s freaking amazing. Great voice, she can do better than Xfactor! She’ll make it.. !
    Esmée je kan et meisjee!

    And yes, we do say ya’ll lol

  25. JaleeSs says:

    heeyy meiss,,

    je bent echt goed !! je moet er wat mee gaan doen.. ik zweer dat je doorbreekt !! echt er zijn nu al veel fans uit verschillende landen !! moet gewoon lukke tog 😀 whaha
    By The Way sorry for the english people the don’t understand me, but i’m not too good in english i’m sorryy !!
    maar meiss ik zweer het je gaat het maken !! ik ben in iedergeval nu al fan van je 😀 whaha

    xxx JaleeSs

  26. moi says:

    esmée is my new favorite 😛 i also sing and she is kiiick ass like i cant beleive that she is not famous yet…and for all who think shes not dutch..why would she pretend?!?! lol.. anyways i hope to hear lots more from her and maybe even see her live one day *sigh*

  27. Anoniem says:

    Mijn Nederlands is verschrikkelijk, weet ik, maar misschien u zou naar Texas kunnen komen. En u zou kunnen veinzen u bent Nena. Zij (Texaan) schijnen alsof u… Ik leef niet noch doe ik wil leven in Texas, maar ik ben rechtvaardig slechts voorstellen

    Ik mijn mening, Esmee, hebt u een heel goede stem.

    Goed tot ziens

  28. Sanne says:

    sorry hoor, maar Nederland is wel bekend hoor lieve schat.. en doe niet zo proffesioneel, neem eerst zanglessen en breek es door! 🙂

  29. sky says:

    i swear i’d buy her album as soon as it came out! i love her voice. someone please find her an agent that truly believes in her and doesn’t only have $$ in their eyes.

  30. oscar says:

    you seem shy, but real. that’s so unique. your singing is original, wonderful without edits. please dont let people and agents take it away from you. to people who been force fed crap like britney spears, christina aguilera, etc, you are the one we have been waiting for. thanks for sharing you talent. wish you all the best.

  31. Frederique says:

    Hey Esmee,

    Wow, je zingt echt heel erg goed! Ben je niet van plan om daar wat meer mee te doen?? 😉 Hey, je wilt toch mensen helpen? Dan zou je zelfs shows kunnen houden als fundraisers! Ok, maar ik ga nu een beetje ver… 😛
    Ik hou zelf ook heel erg van zingen en zit ook sinds kort in de ‘schoolband’ (van onze school), stelt tot nu toe nog niets voor, maar goed 😉 Hahahaha. Sinds ik jou heb horen zingen begin ik trouwens wel een beetje over mezelf te twijfelen, haha. Ach ja, zingen is gewoon leuk :). Ik ben wel Nederlands (zoals je waarschijnlijk al gemerkt had;)) maar woon op Curacao, ik weet niet of je daar ooit van gehoord hebt (het ligt in de Nederlandse Antillen). Maar aangezien het hier zo klein is zijn er ook weinig mogelijkheden om wat ‘verder’ te komen met zang, dans etc. Ik dans ook, ik zit sinds begin 2006 in het Antillean Dance Theatre. Jij danst toch ook?
    Je bent nu al een beetje bekend 😉 wow. Je bent ook op de redio geweest, hoorde it? Hoe doe je dat allemaal?? :p Leuk dat je dit doet hoor :).
    Keep it up!

  32. Jorge Navia says:

    well, i would like to satrt saying that i realle admire you. The first time i saw you i said wow that is a beautifil voice, she is really singing or it is just an imitation. Welll, then i saw some other videos i get convinced you were exceptional, awesome.
    You know, that is a passion that we have in common. I also like painting and almost everything related with art.
    I would like to meet you, and know about you deeper. I am from colombia, and i would really apreciate a response to my reply.

  33. You have such a wonderful voice and I really enjoy listening to your music. You should definetly pursue singing. You should also tryout for American Idol. I would vote for you!!! Keep singing!!!!

  34. Louis Otero says:

    There is not a doubt in my mind that you would be the next greatest hit, and eventually greatest album. If JoJo can get away with her talents, u’ll become a diva! Hope you get signed up fast!

    -Louis O.
    Staten Island, NY
    United States

  35. JW says:

    Hey Esmée,

    Just wanted to let you know that you have a fan on the west coast of the USA! I can already tell like many who commented before me that you are capable of so many things from your talents alone. As for the Netherlands, I think that it’s a wonderful place and everyone is quite nice – except for the bikers in Amsterdam! I hope to hear more from you on YouTube and hopefully on CD in the future! Bridge the Atlantic for us! =)

    Best of luck!

    Portland, Oregon USA

  36. Naptural Soul says:

    Greetings from the southern state of north carolina in the USA…and yes we definitely say “yall” in the south. LOL Its weird to hear her say it but i’m not surprised, just shows the American culture’s influence. Anywho, i have to say Esmee thanks for opening up a little more about yourself. Dont let anyone take ur sincererity and genuineness away from you. You are a talented young lady and whatever you decide to with your future, I know you will be blessed. I first heard you sing one of American Idol winner Fantasia’s songs. She is from the same hometown that I live in!

    peace and blessings

    High Point, N.C. USA

  37. Desiree and Taylore says:

    we were on ‘youtube’ and accentdentally clicked on one
    of your video clips and we have FALLIN IN LOVE!

    Best of luck with making it as a social worker and
    you really should consider persueing the singing carreer

    Also we have a request…
    Hero by Mariah Carey

    Canada Loves You!
    Ciao xxox =)

  38. Esmee rocks says:

    I just wanna say Esmee you are really awesome, you have a beautiful voice, personality, style and you have beautiful looks I have to admit. To the people who said you should try out for American Idol, I would agree except you are from the Netherlands so I dont think it’ll be possible. Anyways I cant wait until you get signed cause with such a great talent right here who could resist making you into a big star? You’d be a hit in America^^

  39. marije says:

    Je kan echt heeel mooi zingen!
    echt heel tof dat je ook al op de radio en tv bent geweest!
    kwens je heel veel succes en ik hoop dat je wat gaat bereiken en ons landje beroemd gaat maken met jou stem 🙂

    groetjes marije

  40. Heej Esmee ik vind je een prachtige meid en ik geloof wel dat jij 18 jaar bent hoor en ik wou ff zeggen dat je een prachitge echt echt echt een hele prachtige stem hebt en ik ben fan nummer 1 van jou.
    Zal ik je iets vertellen?

    Nou, mijn vriendin en ik willen dus zangeressen zijn dat was al een jaar geleden toen we dat waren worden en het is ons niej gelukt om die liedjes te schrijven en zo
    want ik ben Nederlands maar ik woon in Spanje omdat mijn moeder spaans is en ik hou ook heel erg veel van Egypte te gek joh! en toen hadden mijn vriendin en ik gekke woorden op die liedjes maar jij!!! Jezus jij kan ze echt zo goed verzinnen die teksten en zo nou vel plezier in Hollywood (dat ik op die video zag) en ik hoop dat je gouw een zangeres maar echt een ster kan worden ok? ga maar lekker naar Idols joh? want ik weet zeker dat jij daar wel naar binnen kan gaan en ik weet zeker dat jij daar gaan winnen ok nou vell plezier in hollywood dus en tot ziens kussiejs

    Barbara Olfers Rodriguez (chica holandesa madre espanola)

  41. Jess says:

    Hey evry1 i love Esmee she is my role model ! I really would like to email her and tell her how much i admire her and her art so does anyone have her email address ??

  42. eli0125 says:

    here’s a link she’s really a dutch, its a TV Interview in Dutch

  43. Paul says:

    i have one very good . propost for you..
    add my msn !!!

  44. Sundae says:

    Hmmm.. does her parents know she’s doing this? ROFL! xDD

  45. Rodrigo brites says:

    I´ve heard you singing at UTUBE and you´re great!!!I´m from Rio, Brazil. And we are waiting for you being a super star…

  46. Michel says:

    is this her official website ??

    I think she will be star some day

  47. Nexxis says:

    Hayy Esmee ,girl i have watched alot of your videos on youtube and i think that u have a outstanding voice like noone ive ever heard before.You are very blessed to have such a great talent and all of us down in north america are waiting for your album!Keep up the good work girl and you’ll make it to the top! We love u.God bless you


  48. monica says:

    i´m from brazil and i love your music, your voice. this music is yours? girl you are great. all the best in the world 4 u.

  49. Ayshia says:

    Hey Ya’ll!!!

    She has a really nice voice,which is truly beautiful to hear.I don’t understand which she hasn’t signed yet,it’s quiet weird.
    I sing too,many people told me that I had a pretty voice,but I think she’s the best singer that I’ve never heard!
    I would like so so much to sing like her,and to have this skills,just to hit some of those notes that I can’t really hit!
    Just she has an mazing voice I admire her so much!

    Best wishes,from france.

  50. Omar says:

    you’re a STAR!
    never stop shining for us!

  51. kate says:

    hey esmee i have probably seen all your videos, since like 4 or 5 months, and i love the way you transform the original versions of the songs to your own way, and about your song love it!

    dont stop talking in utube about you, we wanna meet you. i like the idea you wanna help people verry nice from you.

  52. Yaisa [] says:

    Please…. Esmée…. Keep on singing… you’re great… =)

    Greeting from the Basque Country !!

  53. Anoniem says:

    Heey meiss:)
    Echt Superrr Knap dat je dit duft:D!!
    Eerst waren er nog een paar die het stom vonden ( omdat ze zoiets nog nooit gezien hebben) maar ik vind je supper!
    Je hebt al mijn steun en ik zal je zker volgen:D
    I’m Proud of You ;)!
    KussS en Liefs

  54. kate & mar says:

    heeey esm.. we love the way you sing (well probably you are not gonna read this but anyway) we think that you are gonna go verry far with that voice, really, we love your new song and the way you talk..
    chao babay!

  55. panchito says:

    hola hola dad meens hy in espanich i dont nou god dis lenguech becoss i dont tok inglich

    only dad i jav tu sai is dat i lov yu, yu ar soo priti!!! pleez col mi to de fone: 83456719…

    kip singing… ¿OK?


    uff i finich it it is a lirle big, yea yea

    PD: i send yu an enormus kise (un chupetonzón, besote corazón de los valientes del san juán)

    ARRIBA MÉXICOOOOOO!! y seguimos dandole, vamos a campeonar, a la pachanga!!…

  56. britney says:

    esmee u rook, really i mean: U GOT IT GIRL!!

  57. jordi says:

    Wow!.. jij ben’t goed esmee!! ik heb gelijk al m’n vrienden geïnformeerd!!

    English: Wow you’re good esmee!! i inquired all my friends!! (if inquired is wrong…please say)

    From jordi,,, 12 years
    !!Zwijndrecht!! Holland
    ^^^^^^^^ rocks 😛

  58. jordi says:

    y’all?? i didn’t even heard it… on what time on the video is it??

    Jordi .. 12 years.. holland

  59. Oscar says:

    Hola se que ya te he escrito antes y no sé si hablas español, pero solo quiero decirte que me impresiona tu talente, eres una gran cantante y de verdad que compraría tu primer CD sin pensarlo dos veces. Congratulations, you`re a very good singer, espero que te vaya muy bien con “anything is possible” is a great song.

  60. patrick says:


    keep up the good work …

    hope 2 hear more of u…;)


  61. André says:

    Hi Esmee, I´m from Brazil.
    I watched your videos, you have the voice of an angel and you are damn beautiful.
    If you can, send me an e-mail, then we could talk.

  62. André says:

    Oh, and I´m addicted to egyptian art too!

  63. Celeste Joye says:

    Esmee, your voice is angelic. I am hooked from just a few minutes of hearing your singing voice. The ONLY thing I would request is that you practice looking into the camera and making eye contact while you’re singing. Your eyes are simply gorgeous and this added dimension would only enhance your effect on your listening audience even more. We love your eyes. Just trying to “complete” the perfect picture that you present.

  64. heartlover says:

    hi girl. first i have to say that i dont can write good inglish, because i m from albanian.
    If i saw the video, i was so fascinated about your voice. I dont cant belive it, that your arent famous. What i want to say it, that you are a great girl and you have anythint, that i like on you and i wish you i good day i pleace sing the song “unbreak my heart” from Toni Braxton. tung

  65. Ashleigh says:

    d**n girl u r sooo good i ♥ ur voice u should go on american idle

  66. Jem says:

    Esmee you are incredible…
    Your voice is amazing!!!

  67. sjors says:

    nope ya’ll is not teached… but 9 ou of 10 shows on tv are in english…. 99% of internet is english… so we pick you home slang up

  68. Renée says:

    All the d**n messages about the Dutchness. SHE’S A DUTCHESS. OK? xx

  69. badredine says:

    woaaaaaa esmee chante comme un ange c’est une artiste sa voix est magnifique elle n’a jamais pris un seul cour de chant mais elle chante comme une diva
    ps : jsuis français pour tous ce qui se demande d’ou vien cette langue zarbie hahaa

  70. Stib says:

    I’m originally from the Netherlands and am working in Ireland right now and people here always think that I’m from the States so that’s just ‘our Dutch’ accent when we speak English 😉

    And as many I’ve seen her on Dutch telly and heard her on Dutch radio in Dutch so yeah, she’s Dutch, she’s wonderful and got me addicted to her voice in no time! 😀

  71. Rudy says:

    I think you’re a real talent, and we’re all lucky enough to witness the genesis of a star, I definenately think you should be working in the industry. good luck girl…….. dream BIG!

  72. adriano says:

    hey girl you are a fantastic music girl your voice is a anglelis voice….. thnks for you are live in my planet… i look you video every day im my pc. ….. please i am very great if you contactme in my email …i am making a fã club of you in brazil… thanks

    ei garora voce é uma musica fantastica. sua voz eh a voz dos anjos. obrigado por voce estar no meu plante …eu vejo seu video todo dia no meu computador. por favor eu ficaria muito contente se s vc contactar no meu email… eu estou fazendo um fan club no brazil para vc… obrigado

  73. Kevin says:


    Na je gezien te hebben op TV moest ik ook maar eens je filmpjes bekijken op Youtube en het is niet overdreven je bent werkelijk top.
    Leef je droom zoals jij wil en volg je intuïti. Ik hoop werkelijk dat je het gaat maken maar die beslissing is aan jou.

    English: After I saw you on TV I had to see you on Youtube and watch all your videos, it really wasn’t overdone what the said about you and your own written song is also really nice.
    The next thing I want to say is, live your own dream and mostly follow your intuition. I really hope and believe you’re going to make it. But that decision is up to you!
    There are enough people who believe in you.

    Esmee zet hem op en we zullen snel meer van je zien.
    Esmee good luck and we will see more of you soon.

    Greets Kevin (The Netherlands / Holland)

    Besides in the Netherland we all learn English at school (British English) but as the other Dutch said, we watch TV with subtitle and so we hear mostly the American accent. I suppose that’s normal in all of Europe except for Germany. The internet we use is a lot more useful if we use it in English, because there is more information in English. We start learning the English language in The Netherlands since our 9th year of birth.

  74. nurten says:

    this girl can sing she is better than ciara and beyonce and the other singers

  75. nurten says:

    girl u can sing

  76. Dagon says:

    UNSPEAKABLE annoying style of music. Whining like a drunken jakhal, a searingly, droningly sound. I’d want to choke her with her own hair. Gods, I can’t wait untill that hysterical R&B dies and we are liberated from it.

  77. aranka says:

    Esmee, fantastisch, ga door! Je hebt een geweldige stem en manier van zingen. Ik vind het heel leuk dat sommige mensen willen dat hun favoriete song door jou gezongen wordt. Wat een compliment. Succes Esmee

  78. jimm says:

    Je hebt een mooie stem je bent zelfs beter dan byoncee nou dit was het dann doeiii(K

  79. Frank says:

    Hi Esme,

    You have a great voice , but that you’ll have already heard for thousands of times.
    I just have one request and that’s please stay yourself, don’t let the music change the way you am . If you get so fas famous then you change and everyone wants to meet you and find you great . But people forget your also just a peron like any other. Everybody is equal and so are you .Woul be nice if you could be the first uprusing pop star who is really herself.
    Why are u going to sing R&B? you have a great voice for ballads like numbers from Chris de Burgh or songs from Eric Clapton etc. With that kind of songs you really reach people in their hearts. Money doesn’t make you happy never forget that , people like you because of who you really are.

    Greetzzzzz and lotz of succes!!!!

    Frank / Netherlands/ Hendrik Ido Ambacht

  80. Hi Esmee. Please listen to Goldust. (traveling through the USA) From Sandy Denny. Former singer of Fairport Convention. Or her lp The North Star Grassman and the Ravens. Or your obsession with te ancient Egypt.

  81. Atos says:






  84. Daisy says:

    Yeah- shs really amazing!! Shes guna go far girrrrrrrrrrl!!! xx

  85. Baby_Cuti316 says:

    Hey esmee!!! Ithink u rock i just found out about u today from a friend…….
    i think u r so talented and i can’t wait till u get dispvered
    kk byeess (peace-easy)!!

  86. mutinta says:

    hey esmee!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have a very beautiful voice i wish i could sing like u but any way i can not wait till your album come out GOD IS LOVE MUTINTA.

  87. Kelme says:

    Hee Esmee,
    I think you are very beautiful and talented, I’m very proud of you girl! Just like you, I’m also from the Netherlands (ons kikkerlandje :p).. I hope that you’ll find a good lable who will help you to become a superstar! In my oppinion you already are a superstar.. Love you girl,

  88. dilara says:

    hey esmee du gefällts mir richtig gut baby…
    ich hoffe du kannst mich mal adden…

  89. Emily says:

    hello my name is emily and im 11 and live in uk i was just searching on youtube and found your videos now im addictive i wish i was you your amazing how did it all start? please reply love u hehe xx

  90. Johan Sterk says:

    I’m 60…. but, watching you beauty and listening to your amazingly soulful voice makes an old man wish for younger days!!!

  91. Val says:

    Ever heard of New Amsterdam hehehe that explains it all haha… ;o)
    Esmee je bent een ware topper!!! I’m a huge fan of yours, your voice runs a shiver down my spine! Awesome! And those saying that all Dutch speak with an American accent…I dunno about that though…but indeed the fact of the matter is that English is taught as a second language (next to French/German/Spanish) Frankly, I think Esmee’s English skills are above average compared to others her age. You rock girl!
    (ik heb je ook bericht via Hyves gestuurd hihi…cheers)

  92. Sophie says:

    Hello i think you are a really good singer could you send me luther vandross because you can sing it well good , good luck in the future hope everything works out for you

    Sophie x

  93. Leni says:

    hey esmee!
    i saw many videos on youtube from you and i think you`re a great singer and very talented.i think it was very brave of you to put your videos on youtube but fortunately you became famous!!i was a bit jealous when i saw that you met kelly rowland and p.diddy=) but i think you are very great and nice and you are worth of expierence that!
    i`m from germany and i`m 14 almost 15,i also appraised you for being 15 or 16,but i`ve got the same probleme=) i wish you a great future and i think you`ll becomea famous and popular singer or songwriter.Much Luck!!!i would be happy about an answer but i know thart you`re very busy…bye bye i like you=)

  94. Mel. says:

    Hey Esmee, ik zag een paar dagen geleden een filmpje van jou op youtube en ik moet zeggen, je stem is echt geweldig 🙂
    wat ik niet snap, kom je nou uit Oosterbeek of Arnhem?
    waar je geboren bent dan.
    de ene keer hoor ik je Oosterbeek zeggen en de andere keer Arnhem.
    Wel raar dat ik je niet ken dan, kom ook uit Arnhem maar zie altijd dezelfde mensen.
    nou heel veel succes met het zingen verder en ik vind het echt knap van je dat je dit al bereikt hebt.
    Keep up the good work 😉

  95. Ruben says:

    ai!..i see your video and i like so mutch!!…you song so well!!!..(sorry i no write well bicouse i am portuguese,i be ingland….)i things you!!.. go front!

  96. DutchDownUnder says:

    Billy Mann is a genius for picking her up.

  97. Rex says:

    Signed by Justin Timberlake’s Tennman Records. Quite a story–nice job by a girl with a webcam.

  98. kittykatgurl says:

    hey esmee your voice is soo great i love your videos they’re are so good

  99. asder says:

    you guys are funny.. DUTCH ACCENT? lol
    this is clearly an American accent, even if shes from Holland.
    she speaks like that as many other people from europe, and this is just because of the influence from tv, movies, tv shows and stuff like that.
    besides this, its so easier to adopt an american accent rather than a british one. so what?
    she knows english, she’s got an accent, but this is no Dutch english. its just an european girl having a nice American accent.

  100. jemada says:

    I heard esmee first on youtube and had no idea that she was ducth.To me she has no accent its amazing.and how did she get such a big and explisive vocabulary in english.None the less she is soo good and i think it would be soo cool if she made it big!
    Go esmee!

  101. ross dalgleish says:

    hello esmee you are really pretty and very talented and i hope you become really famouse i listend to you onse and then i got hooked on to you i like you a lot

  102. other up coming artist in youtube: lizemusic1 and katdeluna

  103. klowie> says:

    she sounds soo great…she looks like an american and her accent too…great voice. i really it.. Christian greetings from Mindanao, Philippines. check my friendster

    God blEss..

  104. Sonia says:

    Hey Esmee, U r such a a talented person and I think that it is really great that U want to become a socai worker. So try to holla back at me! Alright PEACE OUT!!!!

  105. GOLDMAN says:

    you so great i want married u

  106. lolli says:

    hey Esmee u have such a great voice i hope u make it big .your so my idol. i hope i make it big like u sometime …

  107. new fan says:

    I’ve just learned of you today….surfing the web…I ran across some of your stuff. You have an beautiful voice…and you seem like such a sincere person. I wish you the best in your future endeavors! I am from the states and I hate it how people say that you sound “American” and they don’t believe that you are from the Netherlands….how dare them! You be proud of where you are from and keep representing the Netherlands! Yes, there is beauty, talent and success outside of the U.S.!!!

  108. Ahmed says:

    Hey Esmee,

    you’re a wonderful singer .. glad to know about you more =).

    And about the obsession of Egypt, I’m an Egyptian myself .. Yes! you do have fan(s) from Egypt .. and i think I’m your first fan in all of Egypt or among Egyptians!. =P

    Best wishes from me to you =)

  109. Jeroen says:

    Hi all!!!

    Esmee, what a girl, I can not explane how much I like here singing!

    I found a really cool website, where you can sing your song and make your own video,

    it’s called CLIPCASTER, so if you got a couple of minutes check it out…



  110. Danielle says:

    Hiya Esmee.
    your turly my idol because……when i was growing up people from where i come from never realy told me that i will do good in life and that i was going to end up liveing on nufthing and when i hard about you from loads of me friends i went stright on youtube ands looked to find you….ever since i listen to you all the time and you turly do give me strength.
    exspecily with your song cazy place…because i always think that i have got my life hard becuse that bad thing’s have happen but realy i have not beacuse ther are people in the world that have got it worse than me…like i’ve got a home to go back to and although i don’t have all my family with me i still have my dad and my sister and that’s still some thing. Thank you so much for showing me how great full i should realy be!
    thank you so much babe for helping me out when i listen to you.
    And i hope in the future i can be a singer like you But i Don’t Think As Good Lol :D:D

  111. I love this girls voice she is going to be huge. Justin Timberlake made a good choice signing her. Esmee’s Voice is amazing.

  112. Eline says:

    Hahahah een chick zonder persoonlijkheid die graag mensen helpt met hun problemen.. meisje, help jezelf eerst maar van dat neppe accent af en word een beetje wereldwijs

  113. ElizabethUSA says:

    I know there are so many people who say that you are amazing. It is because you are. You have an amazing gift, and you have already shared it with the world! What you have ALREADY achieved is enough for a lifetime, I can’t even fathom the billions of lives you will touch, and what is still to come! It is so much more then just hitting notes beautifully, it is connecting with people all around the world and actually touching them somehow, your voice is your soul, and both are amazing….


  114. Al says:

    Yup, it’s a fake american accent influenced by MTV, the hints of southernism isn’t from the south per se, but from negros, who in turn came from the south. I say fake not because I’m slagging her off, but you can hear it slipping here and there, like her pronunciation of viewers(fewers). I have no idea whether that has a relation to Dutch at all, but sometimes when you’re doing an accent, you slip into something you wouldn’t say even in your natural accent, something altogether different.

  115. Brianna Reyes says:

    Hi Esmee,

    Not to be braggy or anything all my friends and family say i have a beautiful voice as well. You truly are my idol because, every day i go on you tube and i look up you singing, and i see how amazing and confident you are, when it comes to singing… it would be an honor to meet you and get singing lessons or something, but no stocker, so email would be fine…lol…..hope to see and hear more of you!!!!

    #1 fan,

    Brianna Lila Reyes ❤

  116. MCMC says:

    You live 150 miles away from england, but speak like someone who lives 3500 miles away in the USA. You dutch need to start speaking original english again.

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